Friday, February 20, 2009

Grace Cathedral Park

I've never been there, but I feel like I have already. I really want to go to Europe this summer--most likely Spain--so I need to start figuring that out soon. I wish spring break would be figured out soon, but if not I'll just go home and have a great time there. And that's not sarcastic--I love Clearwater in a really strange way, and I miss it sometimes. My sister got a purple cell phone for her 11th birthday yesterday and I got stuck in an elevator with hyperventilating parents. I need to call my parents today.

I think I'm getting better at holding my tongue sometimes, but I also don't want to not let people know how I feel.

Sometimes I can't figure things out, and sometimes I just don't care to, because it's easier not to and to just let things go by, maybe smile and wave from the curb. For thousands of years parades have made people on the sidelines plenty happy.


ae said...

I knew you wanted to say something Friday Night/early morning. I want you to know you should always speak up, I value your opinion

Mike said...

Thanks str8 edge, I mean it. But it was probably not a good time to start that discussion, as I was in the midst of turning into a cat. :/